Thank you, Rocky River.
/To the Community of Rocky River
Today, Friday, September 25, 2020, will be my last day as your Police Chief. I have had an amazing career here and wanted to take a moment and let each and every one of you know how proud I am to have served you and this great city for the past 36 years. While I will not be a stranger to Rocky River by any means (and plan to be at the ribbon cutting ceremony when the new police station opens in 2021!), I start a new career as the Chief of Police for the City of Beachwood on Monday, September 28, 2020. I am very excited about this opportunity and all the challenges it will bring.
I was born and raised in Rocky River and owe a lot of my success to what the community has done for me. All of my education was in the Rocky River School System, and it was as highly regarded back then as it is today. The safety and security of this community afforded me a safe environment to be raised in, one that we strive to achieve each and every day for you now.
Law enforcement has seen some drastic changes in the past few decades. Public trust and support has really been put to the test, never more than the last six months as we deal with the COVID-19 pandemic and calls for reform and defunding of local departments. But our community has continued to give us complete support and backing. The Rocky River Police Department has been showered with acts of kindness, letters, voicemails, cards, countless arrivals of lunches, dinners, and more, delivered to us out of the kindness of your hearts. That type of support from our community means more than I can express here; and for that we are wholeheartedly indebted to you. So today is bittersweet for me as I say good-bye to such a fantastic community as I close a chapter of my life with all of you.
I have made so many great friendships over the 10 years that I have led your Department. I wish I could thank each and every one of you personally, but that is not possible. I take the time now to let you know that I will never forget my roots; I will never forget what the Rocky River community has done for me both personally and professionally; I will never forget what you have done for our Department. We all THANK YOU so much for your support and understanding.
As I have said countless times, if there is anything that I can do for any of you, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will always be here for you, you have given me so much and I will never forget any of that. May God bless each and every one of you.
Stay safe and healthy.
Chief Kelly J. Stillman